Start helping each other Mac users!

For all of you encountering the ‘Exception Raised’ error message it’s time you started helping each other rather than wailing on the forums and starting endless threads on the same subject matter.

Cutie9676 has started a thread asking for details from peoples’ games. I suggest you give them to her and all start pulling together. The threads we started over the graphics issues last summer gave EA the information they needed, do the same with this one. Her thread can be found here:

And there’s also this excellent thread which has been around for nearly a year:

I’ve never really encountered this issue so I’m afraid I’m no help at all.

2 thoughts on “Start helping each other Mac users!

  1. Problems do get solved much more quickly in the Mac simming community when people work together. I don’t have the “exception raised” error either (I did get it once but it seemed to resolve itself and that was a long time ago so I don’t remember much about it). I have posted a link to Cutie’s thread on the wall on “My Page” and I’ll bump the thread in a couple of days if it starts to sink down below less useful threads.


  2. Hi, I’ve been trying to get my sims 3 game to work for 8 months now. I have a Mac OS X Lion 10.7. The game installs fine, but on the main menu, as soon as I press the play button, the game completely shuts down. I have tried EVERYTHING and if theres anyone out there who knows how I can play my game, please help! Im not going to spend $90 on a game I can’t even play. NOT HAPPY EA GAMES!


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