Bad lag in CAS since the June patch for Sims 4

As well as the Trackpad issue appearing since the 18 June patch we have a new lag issue in CAS that is pretty awful and affecting Mac users with Intel chips, judging by the posted specs. of some. You can see a video here of the issue.

Thankfully there are some really helpful Mac Simmers in the thread, candiecoatediv and twin-reverb-sims, who are being really responsive to requests for more information and actively trying suggestions. Twin-reverb-sims has suggested that doing the following has helped to minimise the lag a little:

  • Go into System Preferences > Accessibility > Display and check the box next to Reduce motion.
  • Go into System Preferences > Display and change the resolution towards larger text.

Please reply in the AHQ thread if you are experiencing this issue in CAS since the patch with your Mac information. And if you have any further suggestions which may help others, then definitely please post.