Bad lag in CAS since the June patch for Sims 4

As well as the Trackpad issue appearing since the 18 June patch we have a new lag issue in CAS that is pretty awful and affecting Mac users with Intel chips, judging by the posted specs. of some. You can see a video here of the issue.

Thankfully there are some really helpful Mac Simmers in the thread, candiecoatediv and twin-reverb-sims, who are being really responsive to requests for more information and actively trying suggestions. Twin-reverb-sims has suggested that doing the following has helped to minimise the lag a little:

  • Go into System Preferences > Accessibility > Display and check the box next to Reduce motion.
  • Go into System Preferences > Display and change the resolution towards larger text.

Please reply in the AHQ thread if you are experiencing this issue in CAS since the patch with your Mac information. And if you have any further suggestions which may help others, then definitely please post.

Mac Sims 4 shadow bug

We have a new Mac specific bug that’s popped up since the November patch, game version

If you play with laptop mode off you will see a weird straight line shadow following your Sim around when they are inside:

A workaround at the moment is to enable laptop mode in your game. You could also go into the GraphicsRules.sgr file and change the RenderShadowsEnabled value to false but enabling laptop mode is a lot quicker and easier. You may get the awful pink floors bug back though so you decide which is worse!

We have a thread over at AHQ so please do take a minute to press the Me Too button so EA are aware of how widespread it is. If you have a minute I’d really appreciate it if you could please post your Mac model too and version of macOS –

Sims 4 screen flickering

This problem has been around for a while and affected some Mac users but not all.

When you play your game the screen will flicker and changing certain graphics options in-game doesn’t fix it.

Edge Smoothing settings in the Graphics Options in-game.

Play around with the Edge Smoothing settings in the Graphics Options menu. Try turning it off if you have it on or lowering it if you have it on high. Also try raising it if you have it on low.

Thanks to the wonderful people who have confirmed the issue and solution over on this thread at AHQ.