Disable Origin in-game

Running macOS Mojave? Updated security settings in the operating system no longer permit Origin in-game to run. If you want to have it enabled please read this update – https://bluebellflora.com/2018/09/22/disabling-origin-in-game-is-the-way-forward/

Having Origin enabled in-game has always caused issues on Macs. As well as causing lagging issues it can also cause your game to not load, something which seems to be becoming more frequent amongst players. So the best thing to do is just disable it. Unfortunately you will have to do this after each Origin update as it annoyingly enables itself each time.

  1. Open Origin then click on Origin > Preferences in the menu bar
  2. Click on Origin in-game on the right side 
  3. If Origin is enabled in-game the button will show green. Click on it to turn it off so it looks like the picture above.
  4. Right click on the game in your Games Library and select Game Properties. Uncheck the box next to Enable Origin In Game for The Sims 4.

Sims 4 Studio Candy Apple for Mac – object recolours!

The wonderful Sims 4 Studio people have released the latest version for Mac and it supports object recolours!! I am beyond happy right now, no more having to move between Windows and Mac. We can’t yet edit and create meshes but being able to recolour is a massive step forward. It’s still a beta version so may be a little buggy but it does support macOS High Sierra – recolour away!

Sims 4 Tray Importer for Mac


Here’s a link to using the Sims 4 Tray Importer in macOS. Getting it to run seems a bit hit or miss but it appears that with a little perseverance some users are getting it to run in Sierra.

Sims 4 Tray Importer for Mac

The guide is really detailed and very easy to follow and the comments are very informative too – good luck!

Update January 2018

As of January 2018 the Mac version of Tray Importer is no longer compatible with the Sims 4:

S4TI for MAC is no longer available. The app no longer works with the latest update of the Sims 4 and the developer does not want to provide support on MAC (platform it does not have and which greatly complicates its development …)

Sorry folks, seems like it’s the end of the road for us Mac users. I’ll update this page if it is resurrected.

Update April 2018

Well, seems like it’s up and running again as of the 4th April 2018. Just follow the links above!